Data Types

Type Name Type Code Description
int8 uint8 i1 u1 8-bit integer
int16 uint16 i2 u2 16-bit integer
int32 uint32 i4 u4 32-bit integer
int64 uint64 i8 u8 64-bit integer
float16 f2 Half-precision float
float32 f4 f Standard single-precision float
float64 f8 d Standard double-precision float
float128 f16 g Extended-precision float
complex64 c8 Complex represented by two 32-bit floats
complex128 c16 Complex represented by two 64-bit floats
complex256 c32 Complex represented by two 128-bit floats
bool ? Boolean
object 0 Python object type
string_ S Fixed-length string with 1 byte per char (e.g. S10 for a string of length 10)
unicode_ U Fixed-length unicode string (e.g. U10 for a unicode string of length 10)

Creating Arrays

Expression Description
np.array([1, 2.5, -3]) 1D ndarray object
np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32) 1D ndarray object with the specified element type
np.array([[1, 2],[3, 4]]) 2D ndarray object
np.zeros(5) 1D ndarray object of length 5 with zeros
np.zeros((2, 3)) 2D ndarray object of size 2x3 with zeros
np.zeros_like(a) ndarray object with the shape of a with zeros
np.ones(5) 1D ndarray object of length 5 with ones
np.ones((2, 3)) 2D ndarray object of size 2x3 with ones
np.ones_like(a) ndarray object with the shape of a with ones
np.empty(5) 1D ndarray object of length 5 with uninitialized values
np.empty((2, 3)) 2D ndarray object of size 2x3 with uninitialized values
np.empty_like(a) ndarray object with the shape of a with uninitialized values
np.eye(3) np.identity(3) identity matrix of size 3
np.arange(10) Python’s range but it returns a ndarray object
np.asarray(a) a as an ndarray object (does not copy if it already is one)

Array Attributes and Member Functions

Attribute/Function Description
a.ndim Dimensionality (int)
a.shape Shape (a touple containing the length in each of the dimensions)
a.dtype Data Type
a.astype(np.float64) Return a new array with the converted elements
a.reshape((3, 5)) Reshape the ndarray object (the number of elements must be the same)
a.swapaxes((1, 0)) Swaps the specified axis pair

Array Indexing

Expression Description
a[3] An element or subarray
a[0, 3, 1] An element or subarray at the specified position of each of the dimensions
a[2:6] a[:2] a[1:,2] A slice of elements or subarrays
a[a > 5] a[(a > 5) \| (a == -1)] a[a > 5, 2:] A boolean index returns only the elements or subarrays where the expression is true
a[[0, 1], [0, 1]] A list of elements or subarrays that have their coordinate dimensions specified by the sublists (i.e. in the example the first list holds the 1st axis coordinates and the second list holds the 2nd axis coordinates so the length of the two lists must be equal)
a[np.ix_([1, 2],[0, 5, 2])] A rectangular area specified by selecting the specified coordinates along the axes

Operations between Arrays and Scalars

Expression Description
a + b a * b a / b a ** b ... Elementwise operation between the two matrices
a + 5 a * 5 a / 5 a ** 5 ... Elementwise operation between the elements of the matrix and the scalar
a > 5 a == 5 ... Elementwise comparison between the elements of the matrix and the scalar

Unary Universal Functions on Arrays

Expression Description
np.sqrt(a) Elementwise square root
np.square(a) Elementwise square
np.exp(a) Elementwise exp
np.log(a) np.log10(a) np.log2(a) np.log1p(a) Elementwise log, log2, log10 and log(1+x)
np.abs(a) np.fabs(a) Elementwise abs (fabs is faster for non-complex values)
np.sign(a) Elementwise sign (-1, 0, 1)
np.ceil(a) np.floor(a) np.rint(a) Elementwise rounding
np.modf(a) Elementwise divmod
np.isnan(a) Elementwise NaN detection
np.isinfinite(a) np.isinf(a) Elementwise inf detection
np.sin(a) np.sinh(a) np.cos(a) np.cosh(a) np.tan(a) np.tanh(a) Elementwise trigonometric functions
np.logical_not(a) Elementwise boolean negation

Binary Universal Functions on Arrays

Expression Description
np.add(a, b) Elementwise add
np.subtract(a, b) Elementwise subtract
np.multiply(a, b) Elementwise multiply
np.divide(a, b) np.floor_divide(a, b) Elementwise divide
np.power(a, b) Elementwise power
np.maximum(a, b) np.fmax(a, b) Elementwise maximum (fmax ignores NaNs)
np.minimum(a, b) np.fmin(a, b) Elementwise minimum (fmax ignores NaNs)
np.mod(a, b) Elementwise mod
np.copysign(a, b) Copy the sign of the values in b to values of a
np.equal(a, b) np.not_equal(a, b) np.greater(a, b) np.greater_equal(a, b) np.less(a, b) np.less_equal(a, b) Elementwise comparison
np.logical_and(a, b) np.logical_or(a, b) np.logical_xor(a, b) Elementwise logical operators

Statistical Functions on Arrays

Expression Description
a.mean() a.mean(2) Mean along the specified axes
a.min() a.max(2) Find minimum/maximum for each element or subarray for the specified axes
a.argmin() a.argmax(2) Find the index of minimum/maximum for each element or subarray for the specified axes
a.sum() a.sum(2) Sum along the specified axes Product along the specified axes
a.cumsum() a.cumsum(2) Cumulative sum along the specified axes
a.cumprod() a.cumprod(2) Cumulative product along the specified axes
a.std() a.var() Standard deviation and variance

Set Logic on Arrays

Expression Description
np.unique(a) Sorted unique
np.intersect1d(a, b) Sorted intersection
np.union1d(a, b) Sorted union
np.in1d(a, b) For each element of a decide if it one of b’s elements
np.setdiff1d(a, b) Sorted difference
np.setxor1d(a, b) Sorted symmetric difference

Linear Algebra on Arrays

Expression Description
a.T Transpose
a.transpose((1, 0)) Pivot the matrix on the specified list of axes
np.diag(a) Returns the diagonal elements as an ndarray or convert a 1D array to a diagonal matrix, b) Dot (matrix) product
np.trace(a) Trace
np.linalg.det(a) Matrix determinant
np.linalg.eig(a) Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
np.linalg.inv(a) Inverse of a square matrix
np.linalg.pinv(a) Pseudo-inverse
np.linalg.qr(a) QR decomposition
np.linalg.svd(a) SVD
np.linalg.solve(A, b) Solve linear equation Ax=b
np.linalg.lstsq(A, b) Least squares solution for Ax=b

Random Numbers

Expression Description
np.random.seed(4) Set the seed of the random number generation
np.random.permutation(a) Random permutation of a sequence or a permuted range
np.random.shuffle(a) Shuffle a sequence in place
np.random.rand() Draw from a uniform distibution
np.random.randint() Draw from a uniform distibution
np.random.normal() Draw from a normal distibution
np.random.randn() Draw from a normal distibution (mean=0, std=1)
np.random.binomial() Draw from a binomial distibution
np.random.beta() Draw from a beta distibution
np.random.chisquare() Draw from a Chi-square distibution
np.random.gamma() Draw from a gamma distibution
np.random.uniform() Draw from a uniform [0,1) distibution

File I/O

Expression Description'a.npy', a) Save to file
np.load('a.npy') Load from file
np.savetxt('foo.txt', a) Save into a text file
np.loadtxt('foo.txt') Load text file


Expression Description
np.meshgrid(xs, ys) A 2D grid of points from 2 1D ndarrays
a.sort() a.sort(1) In-place sort an ndarray along the specified axes
a.any() a.all() Decide if any/all of the elements of an ndarray is True
np.where(cond, a, b) Chooses elementwise between two ndarrays a and b based on cond