go实战读书笔记(十二): race conditions 竞争状态
并发中的一大难点就是访问共享资源时, 多个线程或(goroutines in go) 尝试同时对这个资源进行读写, 这种状态叫做 race condition, 非常容易引起问题. 一般而言, 对共享资源的操作应该是原子操作, 也就是说, 同一时刻, 最多只能有一个goroutine对共享资源进行读写操作.
不啰嗦, 看代码: https://play.golang.org/p/xn7M1ndeINI
代码 6-2
// This sample program demonstrates how to create race // conditions in our programs. We don't want to do this. package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" "sync" ) var ( // counter is a variable incremented by all goroutines. counter int // wg is used to wait for the program to finish. wg sync.WaitGroup ) // main is the entry point for all Go programs. func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1) // Add a count of two, one for each goroutine. wg.Add(2) // Create two goroutines. go incCounter(1) go incCounter(2) // Wait for the goroutines to finish. wg.Wait() fmt.Println("Final Counter:", counter) } // incCounter increments the package level counter variable. func incCounter(id int) { // Schedule the call to Done to tell main we are done. defer wg.Done() for count := 0; count < 2; count++ { // Capture the value of Counter. value := counter // Yield the thread and be placed back in queue. runtime.Gosched() // Increment our local value of Counter. value++ // Store the value back into Counter. counter = value } }
Final Counter : 2
上述代码对counter进行了4次读写操作, 每个goroutine执行两次, 但是程序停止时, counter的值是2 而不是我们所想的4.
代码6-2示意图 图片来自 (go实战)
在代码20行, 我添加了设置最大逻辑处理器为1, 在41行, 加入了runtime包的Gosched, 目的是用于将goroutine从当前线程退出,不然运行速度太快, 我们无法捕获这次race condition.
go有个工具, 可以在代码里检测竞争状态, 在编译时, 我们加上参数-race
go build -race // 用竞争检测器检查程序竞争状态代码
Write at 0x0000011d6318 by goroutine 6:
/Users/qianqian/projects/go_in_action/chapter6/listing09/listing09.go:50 +0x90
Previous read at 0x0000011d6318 by goroutine 7:
/Users/qianqian/projects/go_in_action/chapter6/listing09/listing09.go:41 +0x6f
Goroutine 6 (running) created at:
/Users/qianqian/projects/go_in_action/chapter6/listing09/listing09.go:26 +0x75
Goroutine 7 (running) created at:
/Users/qianqian/projects/go_in_action/chapter6/listing09/listing09.go:27 +0x96
Final Counter: 2
Found 1 data race(s)
上述问题一种解决措施就是锁住共享资源, 每次只允许一个goroutine对共享资源进行读写.
go提供了传统的同步goroutine机制, 就是对共享资源添加锁. go里的atomic包跟sync包提供了很好的解决方案.
atomic 原子函数 原子函数以底层的加锁机制来同步访问整形变量和整形指针. 对代码6-2
利用原子函数做出如下修改可以很轻松的解决竞争问题.// incCounter increments the package level counter variable. func incCounter(id int) { // Schedule the call to Done to tell main we are done. defer wg.Done() for count := 0; count < 2; count++ { // Safely Add One To Counter. atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 1) // Yield the thread and be placed back in queue. runtime.Gosched() } }
, 这个函数会同步整形值加法, 方法作用是强制同一时刻只能有一个goroutine运行并完成这个加法操作. 运行新代码后, 我们会得到正确值: 4.另外两个有用原子函数是LoadInt64, 和StoreInt64, 也是提供了安全的读写整形数值的方式. 关于atomic包的更多信息, 可以查看go官网关于atomic的文档:https://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic
互斥锁 另一种访问共享资源的方式是试用mutex (mutual exclusion). 互斥锁用于在代码上创建一个临界区, 保证同一时间只有一个goroutine可以执行这段代码, 当然mutex 跟 atomic不一样, 不限于整形数据.
// This sample program demonstrates how to use a mutex // to define critical sections of code that need synchronous // access. package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" "sync" ) var ( // counter is a variable incremented by all goroutines. counter int // wg is used to wait for the program to finish. wg sync.WaitGroup // mutex is used to define a critical section of code. mutex sync.Mutex ) // main is the entry point for all Go programs. func main() { // Add a count of two, one for each goroutine. wg.Add(2) // Create two goroutines. go incCounter(1) go incCounter(2) // Wait for the goroutines to finish. wg.Wait() fmt.Printf("Final Counter: %d\n", counter) } // incCounter increments the package level Counter variable // using the Mutex to synchronize and provide safe access. func incCounter(id int) { // Schedule the call to Done to tell main we are done. defer wg.Done() for count := 0; count < 2; count++ { // Only allow one goroutine through this // critical section at a time. mutex.Lock() { // Capture the value of counter. value := counter // Yield the thread and be placed back in queue. runtime.Gosched() // Increment our local value of counter. value++ // Store the value back into counter. counter = value } mutex.Unlock() // Release the lock and allow any // waiting goroutine through. } }
mutex使用方式很简单, 在需要保护的区域, 加上mutex.Lock(), 代码运行完毕后, 再mutex.Unlock()即可. 这里为了使保护区域明显, 在Lock跟Unlock之间加入了Scope
.虽然原子函数跟互斥锁都能解决竞争状态, 但事实上, 它们并没有让编写并发程序变得更简单, 更有趣. 下一节我们会介绍channel, 用go的方式来解决共享资源的访问.
Author xlk3099
LastMod 2018-04-15